独家对话:PoS之父Sunny King携公链VSYS登录ZB LP,人人可参与超级节点铸币挖矿

独家对话:PoS之父Sunny King携公链VSYS登录ZB LP,人人可参与超级节点铸币挖矿

3月22日,ZB.com发布公告宣称将于北京时间3月27日正式开启ZB区块链资产发布通道ZB LaunchPad,并将于3月27日发布首期项目V SYSTEMS(VSYS),同时开启抢购。

据公开资料,V SYSTEMS公链是由权益证明(Proof-of-State, PoS)共识机制之父Sunny King创建的区块链数据库云,采用面向对象的方式存储,拥有支撑高并发、高效索引等区块链数据使用场景的能力,可以支撑未来大规模面向社会的去中心化工业级应用。,其特点之二是企业开发人员不需从头学起即可开发区块链嵌入其核心业务。

Sunny King在做客王峰十问时表示,以高性能著称的系统,更青睐于SPoS。V SYSTEMS公链主打“人人都可以发布区块链”的数据库云平台,其特点之一是透明可信、稳定、可扩展的共识机制生态系统SPoS。

独家对话:PoS之父Sunny King携公链VSYS登录ZB LP,人人可参与超级节点铸币挖矿

针对V SYSTEMS的技术进展、应用以及作为ZB LaunchPad的首发项目等问题,刺猬财经(www.ciweicaijing.com)独家专访V SYSTEMS首席构架师Sunny King以及CEO Alex Yang:

V SYSTEMS的重点将放在未来几年的数据库和云领域

刺猬财经:根据V SYSTEMS的发展路线,今年年初上线智能合约功能以及去DApps开发功能,今年的焦点构建一个基于云的开发工具系统,以简化用户如何通过模块化。V SYSTEMS目前已经进展到了什么程度?期间遇到的难点是什么?V SYSTEMS是如何解决的?

Sunny King: From point of view of V SYSTEMS, our long-term focus of innovation will be in the area of database and cloud in the next couple of years. In our view, this is how the blockchain industry could move toward mainstream adoption. In our next release, we will be focusing on providing token issuance and preliminary smart contract support. So this year we will be laying the foundations to the future database and cloud infrastructures. While most technology companies control headcounts at current market conditions, we are expanding. Since 2018 we have built a solid-engineering team of Ph.D.students from mathematics and computer science, but still, we need to move faster, therefore talented engineers are still in demand. We hope more developers are interested in joining us.

从V SYSTEMS的角度来看,我们的创新长期重点将放在未来几年的数据库和云领域。 我们认为,只有这样区块链行业才能进入主流工业界。在我们的下一个版本中,我们将专注于提供令牌发行和初步智能合约支持。 因此,今年我们将为未来的数据库和云基础架构奠定好基础设施。 目前人才还是我们最大的需求,虽然过去一年我们已经搭建了一支由数学、计算机科学博士组成的优秀工程师队伍,但我们还能再加快开发步伐,我们欢迎更多的优秀开发人员加入我们。

独家对话:PoS之父Sunny King携公链VSYS登录ZB LP,人人可参与超级节点铸币挖矿

△ V SYSTEMS发布的2019-2020发展路线图

刺猬财经:据我们了解,VSYSTEMS公链采用面向对象的方式存储,拥有支撑高并发、高效索引等区块链数据使用场景的能力。V SYSTEMS的优势和创新是什么?

Alex Yang:Sunny King本次重出江湖,其一给区块链行业带来的是共识算法的创新——SPoS,这是PoS原作者的纯正续作,不仅是一个可规模化且稳定的高性能底层,同时也是首个人人都可以参与挖矿的超级节点生态,这样的去中心化和平衡的经济模型让V SYSTEMS难以被”51%“攻击;其二我们正在努力给区块链行业带来下一代的区块链数据库和云平台,这可以让开发者可以专注应用的商业逻辑,同时低成本的快速开发自己的区块链侧链,并使用我们的区块链数据库去支撑符合他们海量数据处理需要的业务。

VSYSTEMS的愿景是支撑一个由海量区块链组成的未来智能数字经济时代,以上两方面不仅是我们的核心优势,也是我们希望推动区块链行业进步的两个主要方向。正如Sunny King在2013年发明PoS共识算法改变了当时区块链的发展速度,我们也期待这次可以给区块链行业做出更大的贡献。

V Systems的优势除了Sunny King的卓越见识和宝贵经验,创始团队有一众来自于硅谷顶级数据库开发者Oracle的核心工程师,Sunny还亲自招募并培训了一支非有创新能力的90后程序员队伍,在VSYS下个月的release里已经表现出优秀的战斗力。当然除了人才,VSYS在年初内部做了缜密的发展规划,并严格执行了内部调整,集中资源抵抗市场波动,足够保障团队在未来几年的健康发展,所以VSYS在目前的行业具有很强的竞争力。

VSYS Coin更倾向于系统资源分配和流动性支持

刺猬财经:作为整个生态的流通token,VSYS Coin在未来的具体应用场景有哪些?

Sunny King: VSYSCoin is the base cryptocurrency in the V SYSTEM ecosystem. VSYS Coin is more targeted toward system resource allocation and liquidity support. In the ecosystem, VSYS Coin will be used to pay transaction fees, supernode functions, leasing, and minting. The VSYS coins will also be used to access applications built on the V SYSTEMS network, such as smart contracts, DApps and pay for resource usage for projects built on V SYSTEMS decentralized database cloud.

VSYS Coin是V SYSTEM生态系统中的基础加密货币。 VSYS Coin更倾向于系统资源分配和流动性支持。 在生态系统中,VSYS Coin将用于支付交易费,超级节点功能,租赁和铸造。 VSYS硬币还将用于访问V SYSTEMS网络上构建的应用程序,例如智能合约,dApps以及为V SYSTEMS区块链数据库云构建的项目的资源使用费用。


Sunny King: Top exchanges are big players in the industry these days. It would be natural that they want to diversify into public blockchains.


Alex Yang:数字货币交易所是非常重要的生态合作伙伴,相信VSYS在SPoS共识算法以及我们在区块链数据库的创新可以在搭建区块链平台方面给他们提供强大的支持,我们期待着与数字货币交易所的深度合作。

刺猬财经:V SYSTEMS与目前市面上的其他公链项目相比,有哪些不同?VSYS將用于支付交易费、超节点功能、租赁和铸造,还将用于访问V SYSTEMS网络上构建的应用程序,与EOS以及ETH相比,V SYSTEMS的优势是什么?未来的dApps生态是如何规划的?

Sunny King: ETH and EOS are good public blockchains. As for V SYSTEMS, we will focus on innovations in the area of database and cloud.

ETH and EOS是优秀的公链。对于V SYSTEMS公链来说,我们专注在区块链数据库和云上的创新。

独家对话:PoS之父Sunny King携公链VSYS登录ZB LP,人人可参与超级节点铸币挖矿

△ VSYSTEMS公链的区块链数据库与传统数据库对比

Alex Yang:ETH和EOS还有很多其他的公链项目都在为行业发展贡献力量,VSYS也不甘落后。 我们在去中心化全功能数据库和区块链云平台的发展方向,一方面可以支撑海量数据处理的区块链商业级应用,另一方面可以让企业规模化地开发区块链应用。基于此,我们未来会更多专注可以发挥这两项优势的dApps领域,比如我们目前特别看好的金融区块链领域,可以透露的是,我们将在不久的未来公布多项令人激动的金融技术创新和能落地的合作。


Sunny King: It's premature to talk about the dominance of established players in our opinion. The technology is moving fast in this industry, even the dominance of bitcoin could soon prove to be short-lived. The market is still wide-open to new innovations.

在我们看来,谈论既定参与者的主导地位还为时过早。该技术在这个行业中发展迅速,即使比特币的主导地位很快就会被证明是短暂的。 市场仍然对新的创新持开放态度。


刺猬财经:在您看来,VSYSTEMS为什么会成为ZB LaunchPad的首发项目?对方最看重的点是什么?具体过程顺利吗?

Alex Yang:ZB是一家很有创新精神的数字货币交易所,他们此前也是中国最早上架以太坊和EOS的主流交易所,而这些案例都成为了历史上的经典。


而同时Sunny King做为PoS共识算法和全球唯一有科学意义附属产品的PoW主链Primecoin的原创作者,曾多次激发了Vitalik创作以太坊的思考,也在早年同EOS创始人BM探讨过潜在和合作可能,他们同时被誉为区块链行业的三大高手。所以,曾创造了全球市值第四的点点币和质数币的Sunny King此次重出江湖,也是ZB比较看重的,VSYS有信心在Sunny King的带领下再创一次数字货币的传奇。

刺猬财经:整个市场虽有回暖的迹象,但仍未摆脱熊市的困扰,V SYSTEM为何选择此时上币?

Alex Yang:我们难以预测数字资产市场的短期牛熊,但长期来说,我们坚信数字资产将改变这个世界。


刺猬财经:相比过去一年,2019年加密市场会发生哪些变化?未来V SYSTEM发展规划是什么样的?有哪些重点业务值得期待?

Sunny King: The market would become more mature while it cools down a bit. V SYSTEMS will continue to put resources into innovation and infrastructure while developing the necessary dapp ecosystem at the same time. Database and cloud features will be introduced gradually to facilitate better blockchain development environment.

And I would like to talk a little bit more about sidechain system we are working on. These are the acritthe ical element to the mass adoption of blockchain because they extend functionality and improve scalability. By running in parallel to a mainchain, they enable specialty activities to take the place without involving the whole blockchain.

Moreover,sidechains may need to be order-preserving, operating in synchronization with the main chain so that global events continue to be ordered correctly in t ime.In my view, two-way pegging is not a required feature for side chains. There may be other interesting models that allow sidechains to work more naturally with main chain. This is certainly an area still wide-open for more innovations.

All of this needs to be made as user-friendly as possible. In my vision of the future of blockchain technology, a modular systemwith cloud tools will form a simple, swift and secure blockchain developmentplatform. Templates will enable users to choose protocol parameters and pluggable components to set up blockchains for specific applications quickly and cost-effectively.







Alex Yang:关于市场或者币价我们不宜评论和判断。

Sunny KingI’d like to use the article “outlook for 2019” which I wrote at the end of 2018 to tell fans about the vision and mission we are working on.


2019 Outlook by Sunny King

I’ve been out of the public eye for a couple of years but I’ve decided to make a comeback because some critical work should be done for blockchain infrastructure in the next couple of years. Since I introduced the Proof of stake Consensus, blockchain applications have exploded and the race has been onto further open up the scalability challenge. Before that happens, blockchain’s real potential is still hampered when competing against established technology such as relational databases.

Blockchain has typically been optimized for its availability and redundancy, but for not ease of use, scalability or cost-efficiency. As a result, it’s often seen as difficult and specialty, something that’s costly to create and expand.

As some of you might already know, this situation is something I’ve taken an interest in.  I believe in a future where billions of blockchains run together as basic infrastructures for businesses, economies –and perhaps even society itself. In fact, I think that blockchain should do more for society. Everyone should have access to blockchains that they can use and adapt to numerous diverse applications.

But you shouldn’t have to be an expert in technology to create a blockchain. If we can build efficient and stable blockchains that are inexpensive to create and operate, they can be used to host decentralized databases and applications which in turn can drive all manner of businesses and societal functions.

Bitcoin’s breakthrough in decentralization is well-known. It is designed with extreme redundancy. This redundancy provides for the decentralization ability as well as extremely high availability, but limit its scalability function. Historically, the Bitcoin developers decided to restrict the Bitcoin blockchain’s use as a data store by strictly limiting data usage.

With the introduction of Proof-of-StakeConsensus in 2012, it is much more practical to scale out the blockchain technology. Since then, thousands of independent blockchain projects have been created. As expected, Proof-of-Stake Consensus has since gradually gained popularity over Proof-of-Work Consensus.

To further open blockchain technology up to a far wider range of uses it is better to re-architect the technology behind it. This can be done by treating blockchain like a database. Many systems we use in our daily lives are built on databases – like our bank accounts, online shopping portals, and the apps on our phones and tablets.  Decentralized databases are even more flexible and resilient, and open up all sorts of new and exciting business models.

Translating the centralized database model to blockchain may not be complicated: traditional database user accounts can be substituted by public-private keys and addresses in blockchains.  Traditional databases’ strong access control, centralized account creation and administration can be replicated inside client/node software. Privacy is protected by the system’s inherent anonymity, while customer identification can be effected as an account-opening requirement recorded on a whitelist.

I’ve been encouraged by how close we’regetting to achieve this vision and I view 2018 as a foundational year.  Great progress has made in many quarterstowards achieving the goal of a truly effective blockchain, including by ourown project, V SYSTEMS.  But I believethat 2019 has the potential to be transformational.  This is why I’ll be taking a more active rolein the industry over the next twelve months. Let’s all make a wish that 2019 is the year we work even harder togetherto help blockchain technology transform and achieve its real potential.






随着2012年的权益证明共识机制的引入,扩大区块链技术成为可能。从那时起,已经有数千个独立的区块链项目被创建。正如预期的那样,权益证明共识机制超越工作量证明(Proof of Work)共识机制成为了目前的主流。




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