维基链WICC | 项目进展周报第27期(3.18~3.24)

维基链WICC | 项目进展周报第27期(3.18~3.24)



  • 维基时代APP v1.2.0发布:







  • CTO陈晓东在CSDN平台直播分享《区块链技术架构与应用架构》,共119人参与直播答疑环节。

  • 完成Baas平台智能合约链上数据查询接口。 (100%)

  • 为海外开发者团队提供智能合约开发技术支持。(80%)

  • 为提升开发者开发效率的智能合约IDE工具 前端开发中。(50%)

  • WRC20标准的智能合约demo持续优化。 (50%)

  • 区块链浏览器原型设计。(50%)


  • 解决golang钱包库投票接口相关问题。(100%)

  • 升级签名算法以提升签名的性能,经测试签名验证加速达到5倍以上!(90%)

  • 重构“防止交易重放攻击”模块,去除不必要的500块最近数据在本地硬盘存储,同时通过改变数据结构把重复交易检查性能提速15倍!(100%)

  • sendtoaddress/sendtoaddresswithfee 相关 bug(检查流程、错误信息)。(100%)

  • 将 原来共用的CTransaction类拆分为普通交易、合约交易两个类实现,来提升模块化和代码可读性。(100%)

  • 将维基链的节点程序移植到其他 Linux 系统(已完成移植到 Ubuntu 18.04)。(50%)

  • Jenkins+pytest+allure接口自动化测试框架用例继续编写,已完成Account、Block、Transaction模块的测试用例。(40%)


  • 维基时代:一键发布数字资产项目开发完成。

  • 维基时代:维基时代活动天地开发。

  • 维基时代:应用中心对接第三方应用。

  • 区块链浏览器原型。(70%)

  • 完成接口自动化测试用例的编写。

  • 整理coind的编译脚本以便更好的支持子目录编译。



  • 海外官方内容渠道维护,发布了“维基链区块链学前班”"插件钱包上线Google和Firefox应用商店" "维基时代国际版发布"等文章。

  • 运营 "WaykiChain Official Group”(维基链官方电报群) “WaykiChain Developers-Global”(维基链海外开发者群) ,与社群成员互动并举行了第一期海外开发者线上沟通会。

  • 英文版白皮书V2.0翻译,进度80%。

  • 维基小报海外版"Crypto Weekly Roundup"更新。

  • 维基时代英文版翻译、产品翻译支持。


  • 中国发展高层论坛2019年会于3月23日在京举办,维基链团队连续两年受邀参加。

  • 本周维基小报进行了4期直播,平均每期观看量为1143,平均每期点赞数为277,单场最高观看量为1484,单场最高点赞数为481。

  • 《区块链学前班》第二节课程于3月24日开讲,维基链官方微博通过一直播平台进行了全程直播,总观看量为1383,总点赞数为205。

  • 维基链与掘金技术开发社区达成合作,双方将会从开发者生态共建等项目展开深度合作。

维基链WICC | 项目进展周报第27期(3.18~3.24)

Technology & Product Weekly Report

Application Development

  • Launched WaykiTimes v1.2.0:

    ①Launched WaykiTimes international version. (100%)

    ②WaykiTimes: Changed the wallet nodes. (100%)

    ③WaykiTimes: Third-party applications in DApp Store can invoke the signature interface of WaykiTimes now. The developer-friendliness is further enhanced.

    ④WaykiTimes: Launched the “Discovery" section.

    ⑤Started the User Behavior Analysis Project.

T2D2 Development

  • WaykiChain CTO Richard Chen delivered the live sharing session - "Blockchain Technology & Application Architecture" on CSDN, with a total of 119 people participated in the live and Q&A.

  • Completed the development of data search interface on the Baas platform. (100%)

  • Provided technical support for smart contract development for overseas development teams. (80%)

  • Provided smart contract IDE tools that can improve the development efficiency of developers. (50%)

  • Optimized the standard smart contract demo of WRC20. (50%)

  • Blockchain explorer prototype design. (50%)

Public Chain Development

  • Solved the problems related to the golang wallet library voting interface. (100%)

  • Upgraded the algorithm to improve the performance of the signature. The signature verification speed will be 5 times faster. (90%)

  • Refactored "Prevent the Replay Attack of Transactions" module, remove the unnecessary 500 pieces of recent data from the local hard disk, and speed up the repeated transaction verification performance by 15 times by changing the data structure. (100%)

  • sendtoaddress/sendtoaddresswithfee related bugs (check flow and error message). (100%)

  • Split the CTransaction into common transaction and contract transaction to improve the modularity and code readability. (100%)

  • Migrated WaykiChain’s node program to other Linux systems (such as Ubuntu 18.04). (50%)

  • Wrote the sample cases of Jenkins+pytest+allure interface automated testing, and completed the test cases of Account, Block, Transaction module. (40%)

Work plan for next week 

  • WaykiTimes: To complete the development of one-click release of digital assets.

  • WaykiTimes: To complete the development of Event Center.

  • WaykiTimes: Third-party applications docking.

  • Blockchain explorer prototype design. (70%)

  • To complete the cases writing of interface automated testing.

  • To optimize the compiler script for coind to better support subdirectory compilation.

Marketing Weekly Report

Marketing Report(Overseas)

  • Disclosed the latest updates of WaykiChain to overseas channels, including "Waykichain (WICC) First Offline Training Course Has Been Successfully Held", "WaykiMax Has Launched on Google and Firefox App Stores", "Waykichain (WICC) Has Officially Launched WaykiTimes V1.2.0".

  • Maintained WaykiChain Official and WaykiChain Global Developers telegram groups, and held the first WaykiChain & Developers online meetup.

  • WaykiChain Whitepaper V2.0. (80%)

  • Updated WaykiChain "Crypto Weekly Roundup" to No.54 issue.

  • Translation support.

Marketing Report(Domestic)

  • The China Development Forum 2019 was held in Beijing on March 23, and WaykiChain team was invited to attend for the second consecutive year.

  • Produced 4 episodes of "WaykiChain Daily News" live broadcast, with 1,143 views and 277 likes in average per episode. For one single episode, the highest view is 1,484, and the highest like is 481.

  • The first session of "Blockchain Preschool" was opened on March 17th. The session was live on WaykiChain’s official Weibo and Yizhibo platform, with total 5,374 views and 1296 likes.

  • WaykiChain has reached cooperation with juejin.im. The two parties will carry out in-depth cooperation on developer programs.

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