MetaHash创始人Gleb Nikitin:用户不感兴趣的项目将会消失,市场会青睐MHC




就此,刺猬财经专访了MetaHash的创始人Gleb Nikitin,了解了MetaHash的更多情况。

MetaHash创始人Gleb Nikitin:用户不感兴趣的项目将会消失,市场会青睐MHC


Mars Finance :Can you tell us alittle about yourself?

Gleb Nikitin:我从17岁开始就是一名互联网企业家,我所赚的每一分钱都来自互联网项目。在创办MetaHash前,我创建了一个先进的广告技术产品AdSniper,很多广告代理商。我们通过实时处理数十亿广告请求,以及在大数据处理和机器学习方面的的工作,形成了一个强大的团队,能够解决像MetaHash项目这样的艰难挑战。

Gleb Nikitin:I have been aninternet entrepreneur since I was 17 and every cent I’ve ever earned was frommy internet projects. Before starting MetaHash I founded AdSniper a veryadvanced advertising technology product used by some of the largest agenciesfor their clients. Our work with billions of ad requests in realtime, big dataprocessing and machine learning formed a great team capable of solving suchhard challenges as MetaHash Project.


Mars Finance:Could you introduceMetaHash?

Gleb Nikitin:我们的目标是让广大用户轻松使用加密货币,提供与使用普通浏览器和网站相似的用户体验。因此,我们将MetaHash视为具有AppStore的浏览器,这个AppStore能够为数百万用户提供服务,而其中所有复杂的技术堆栈都隐藏在易于使用的UI背后。

Gleb Nikitin:Our goal is to make iteasy for the broad audience to use cryptocurrencies and we are focused todeliver a user experience that is indistinguishable from using a standardbrowser and websites. So we view MetaHash as browser with an AppStore capableof serving millions of users where all the complex tech-stack is hidden behindeasy to understand UI.


Mars Finance:From your perspective,what is blockchain 4.0? And what makes MetaHash a blockchain 4.0 project?

Gleb Nikitin:1.0,比特币;2.0,智能合约;3.0,PoS系统中的速度提升;4.0,网络同步优化和实时dApps。MetaHash承诺50,000 TPS,我们真的需要这么高的TPS吗?例如,有人说15 TPS对于像以太坊这样的金融公共链已经足够了。

MetaHash目前平均超过50 TPS,而且这只是一个开始,TPS即使是几千也并不够。所需的TPS速度很大程度上取决于可用的功能以及进行交易的成本。去中心化网络总是存在成本,增加可能的交易量可以降低单个交易成本,并仍然有足够的资金给节点去处理这些交易。

Gleb Nikitin:1 bitcoin, 2smart-contracts 3 speed boosts in PoS systems 4 network synchronisationoptimisation and real-time d-Apps

MetaHash commitments 50,000 TPS, do we really need suchhigh TPS? For instance, some say 15 TPS is enough for a financial public chainlike Ethereum.

Well we currently have over 50 TPS in average and this isjust the beginning, so no even a couple of thousands are not enough. The amountof needed TPS highly depends on what functions are available and how expensiveit is to make a transaction. In a decentralised network there is always a costfor it just to exist and when you ramp up the amount of possible transactionsyou can lower individual tx costs and still have enough funding for nodesprocessing this transactions.


Mars Finance:MetaHash provide amulti-PoS consensus with 5 different type of nodes, how many nodes are there currently?Howmany nodes for each type?

Gleb Nikitin:我们期望达到300多个用户操作节点,以及30,000个轻节点(MetaGates),以及约100个具有完整区块链数据的torrent节点,约200个接收交易的代理节点。但我们可以故意最小化股权(stakes)来控制节点数量,以保持低成本运行网络的硬件,并将主要财务保护重点放在币上。

Gleb Nikitin:By may we expect tohit 300+ user operated nodes and 30 000 light nodes (MetaGates). About 100torrent nodes with full blockchain history and about 200 proxy nodes receivingtransactions. But keep in mind that we control the amount of nodes by minimumstakes on purpose to keep the cost of hardware running the network low and themain financial protection to be focused on the coins.


Mars Finance:How does MetaHashavoid network centralization issue in DPoS consensus?

Gleb Nikitin:DPoS系统不尽相同。用户在MetaHash中架设节点是免许可的,而我们的系统会从所有可用节点池中自动选择区块生成者和验证者。如果某些区块生成者被认定为作恶的,则将启动全部节点投票程序,降低当前区块生成者的信任度,并将其取代。

Gleb Nikitin:dPoS systems differ.Setting a node in MetaHash is permission-less and block producers and observersare automatically chosen from the pool of all available nodes. If some of theblock producers appear to be corrupt observers initiate a voting between allnodes to lower the trust of current block producers and other nodes take theirplace.

刺猬财经:你认为区块链不可能三角(可伸缩性,分散性,安全性)是否存在? MetaHash希望解决所有这三个方面的问题,这有多困难?

Mars Finance:Do you think theBlockchain Impossible Trinity (Scalability, Decentralization, Security) existor not? MetaHash want to solve all three aspects, how hard it is?

Gleb Nikitin:这确实很困难,但并非不可能。我认为MetaHash已经在的所有3个方面取得了很好的平衡,但同样很难权衡每项的权重。例如50%的扩展性换取5%的安全性是一个好的理由吗?这很难抉择,而这些参数以非线性方式相互影响。

Gleb Nikitin:It is hard but notimpossible, I think we have managed to get a very good balance on all 3 inMetaHash. It is always a question on how much is enough. Does the increase insecurity by 5% justifies the drop in scalability by 50%? This parameters affecteach other in a non-linear way.

刺猬财经:你在哪里得到“Forge”的想法?MetaHash将40%的50%的锻造#MHC,即18,400,000 #MHC在10年内分配给核心节点所有者,这些#MHC是否足以让节点所有者获利?

Mars Finance:Where did you get theidea “Forge”? 40% of 50% MHC, which is 18,400,000 MHC will allocate to corenodes owner in 10 years. Are these MHCs enough for node owners to make aprofit?

Gleb Nikitin:至少50%的#MHC(总供应量9,200,000,000)将在锻造参与者中分配、及支付转账和数据存储的佣金。我们从不向网络参与者承诺任何利润,但我们认为,市场将会欣赏MetaHash网络的质量,并认同#MHC足以资助其网络硬件、及币权以支持共识。#MHC越具价值,网络将有更好的硬件,并可能获得更高的TPS。

Gleb Nikitin:At least 50% of total#MHC supply of 9 200 000 000 will be distributed between people involved inforging plus the commissions paid for transfers and data-storage. We neverpromise network participants any profits, but we think the the market willappreciate the quality of the network and value the #MHC coins enough tofinance hardware and coin staking to support the consensus. The more value thecoins have the better hardware the network would have and higher TPS would bepossible.


Mars Finance:How do you see theproject changing in two years? and how about the industry?

Gleb Nikitin:我认为在接下来的两年里,用户不感兴趣的项目将会消失,这将会给那些致力于创建人们和企业喜欢的项目带来更多的可见性。2018年是区块链基础设施建设最具成效的一年,进入2019年,我们已经拥有了所需的工具,可以开始为用户打造出色的产品。所以我认为未来2年行业将迎来真正的区块链和dApps用例,这不仅仅是猜测。

Gleb Nikitin:I think the next 2years will wipe out the projects without real interest from users and it willbring more visibility to projects that were working to create great projectsthat people and businesses would love using. Also the 2018 was the mostproductive year in the works on the blockchain infrastructure. Now in 2019 wehave the needed tools and can start building awesome products for users. So Ithink the next 2 years would bring real blockchain and dApps use cases and notjust speculation.


Mars Finance:Why does MetaHash havean “.org” domain?

Gleb Nikitin:MetaHash AG是一家在瑞士注册的公司,对项目来说,那里存在着理想的法律框架。 MetaHash AG不运营网络,我们开发软件、持有者商标并为设置节点和开发应用程序的人提供支持。因此,org域名反映了我们比com域名做的更多,虽然我们也拥有com域名。

Gleb Nikitin:MetaHash AG is acompany registered in Switzerland because there is an ideal legal framework forsuch projects. MetaHash AG doesn’t run the network - it develops software,holders trademarks and provide support to people that set up nodes and developapplications so an .org domain reflects what we actually do more than a .comone though we do own the .com domain too.

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